Why Join WebProfessionals.org?

It’s a Great Investment of Time and Resources!

Professional associations are a great way for those just starting out in their careers and experienced professionals alike to make connections in their respective industry.

Industry organizations and professional groups are an untapped goldmine of the job search and career advancement universe.

Leverage the role of membership.

It’s perfectly acceptable–encouraged, in fact–to list your membership status on your resume. Hiring managers look for experience and a true connection to your line of work and industry when making decisions.

Key Benefits of belonging to a Professional Organization

A professional association (also called a professional body, professional organization, or professional society) is a non-profit organization seeking to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession, and the public interest.

Reasons to be an active member in WebProfessionals.org:

* Meet great like-minded people!
* Opportunity to showcase your experience through peer to peer discussions or public speaking.
* Bullet item on your resume
* See what opportunities and challenges are in the industry[ies]
* Access to experts in the field – speakers, other members, sponsors
* SWAG – discounts or free books, magazines, access to webinars, e-learning, certification exam vouchers
* Free or almost free training – most of the organizations have meetings focused on educational content
* Exclusive or early notification of job opportunities

As the President of a professional organization, Webprofessionals.org, I often hear about job opportunities directly from industry leaders and recruiters looking for their next technical Rock-star or leader. They know that most of the people that regularly attend or participate in our meetings are passionate about their craft and are interested in staying at the front of the pack. In this economy, most organizations can afford to hold out for the best. Position yourself to be one of them!

Bill Cullifer, Founder and Executive Director

For a list of membership benefits click here.

Join WebProfessionals.org and demonstrate your support and leadership within the Web profession. Click here to sign up today.

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