Ever wonder what a video on a popular video sharing website is really worth? WebProNews has pulled some numbers you might want to check out -especially if you’re a jumpcut user.? Jason at WebPronews writes, “For a MetaCafe.com user, a video of an acrobatic martial artist attracted over 4.6 million users and put nearly $24,000 in his bank account.”
Whoa, that sure sounds kewl to me. The article also mentions Google Audio Ads and Google Video Ads. I checked both of these products our a few months back? at Google.? Audio, like podcasts and videos seems to make sense for anyone seeking additional distribution channels for their message. Indexing of audio and video relys on meta data. Meta data should be included with your media through ID Tags. Also see this deep-tagging article on TechCrunch.
In other news, Google bought JotSpot a wiki app builder and MySpace kids might be cruising other sites these days according to a few stories I’ve read.
Google’s Webmaster Central Blog has an article I’d? recommend to any? search engine marketer.
Getting a Check in Exploitation 2.0 by Jason Lee Miller
We’re Googlers Now
and from Doug Caverly at WebProNews.com:
In Teens’ Web World, MySpace Is So Last Year
Why Are They Leaving?
MySpace will block uploads of copyrighted music
Target visitors or search engines?