Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google must be stoked. After winning a bidding war with Microsoft over DoubleClick they will now retain the largest ad network for years to come, so it seems anyway. 3.1 billion was the price and 300 million in revenue expected annually. The biggest part of this deal for Google was to keep Microsoft out.
Google has also announced their acquisition of Tonic System and with some integration, will be releasing a Power Point competitor. Google has also improved their content removal tool.
In other news, Microsoft officially launched the free 411 service.
Apologies for not being more frequent with the news, over the last three days, I lost a motherboard, cell phone, water pump and my glasses. 8)
I’ll get Adobe Production Studio reinstalled tomorrow so we have an audio component again.
From Aloha Workshops on the Big Island of Hawaii this is Brent Norris for the World Organization of Webmasters and the Wow Technology Minute.
Additional Resources?
Irony alert: Microsoft, AT&T oppose Google/DoubleClick merger on antitrust grounds
Why Google bought DoubleClick (Om Malik/GigaOM)
Breaking: Google Spends $3.1 Billion To Acquire DoubleClick
Google presentation app on the way
Google PowerPoint