Holy legal battles! I’ve been reading various perspectives concerning today’s? court order for Microsoft to Payl Alcatel-Lucent 1.5 billion for? using mp3 technology in? their operating system. Basically, Microsoft and nearly every other company in the world has been? licensing mp3 technology? from Fraunhofer. The court ruling says they all have it wrong? and they should have all been paying Alcatel-Lucent all along.
With that said, I’m not sure if any court has gotten a technology verdict right on their first try. Look for more on this later in appeals. personally, I don’t really understand all of the implications but I’ve gathered as many resources as possible for you to use and piece together your own opinion.
Perhaps more importantly, The Supreme Court today is hearing oral arguments in a potentially larger case dealing with overseas patent law and Microsoft. As a designer, this stuff is about as fun as commenting a thousand lines of code but it’s? important and we’ll continue to provide resources and updates as they become available.
From Aloha Workshops on the Big Island of Hawai`i this is Brent Norris for the World Organization of Webmasters and the Wow Technology Minute.
Additional Resources
Note: Today’s podcast? was edited with Adobe Audition?®? sound editing? software.? The mp3PRO?® audio coding technology is licensed from Coding Technologies, Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson Multimedia by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Check out Adobe SoundBooth?® is an easy way to editing sound.
>> Alcatel-Lucent? MP3 Patent Case?
Microsoft hit with $1.5 billion patent verdict
Microsoft slapped with $1.52 billion payout in MP3 suit
Jury orders Microsoft to pay Lucent-Alcatel $1.5B fine
Microsoft ordered to pay $1.52B in patent dispute
Microsoft Hit With $1.5B in Damages
Microsoft to pay over MP3 patents
>> Overseas Patent Case? – developing story
Microsoft v. AT&T Oral Arguments:? from the Patently O blog
Why Microsoft Played a Low Ball Before the High Court
Supreme Court skeptical that U.S. patent control expands beyond borders