Web Professional Roles and Responsibilities-An in Depth Interview with Andrew Kenney, Corporate Webmaster Verizon Wireless

Greeting WOW Members and Web Professionals Everywhere! Bill Cullifer here with the World Organization of Webmasters WOW and the WOW Technology Minute.

The theme for the Month of March 2008 is roles and responsibilities within the Web profession. To that end, I am on the phone with Andrew Kenney, Corporate Webmaster for Verizon Wireless. The following represents the questions that I asked:

Good afternoon Andrew and thanks for agreeing to this interview.

Q: Andrew, as the Corporate Webmaster and you’ve hired many Web professionals in your time. Can you share your thoughts on the skills that you look for when you?’re in the hiring mode?  

Q: How about those listeners of this podcast that freelance full time and want to be on the cutting edge of their game can you share your thoughts on what skills they should hone in on?

Q: How about those coming up through the ranks and just getting started in this field?

Q: Lastly, can you share some advice for Web professionals that have an interest in either apply for or aspiring to become a corporate Webmaster managers like yourself?

For the entire nine minute auido response check out today’s WOW Technology Minute at: http://www.webprominute.org

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