Web Professional Roles and Responsibilities-Theme for the Month of March 2008

Greeting WOW Members and Web Professionals Everywhere! Bill Cullifer here with the World Organization of Webmasters WOW and the WOW Technology Minute.

The theme for the Month of March 2008 is roles and responsibilities within the Web profession. To that end, we?’re planning a series of interviews of a variety of workers that make up the Web profession today from around the globe.
If your familiar with the eleven year history of the WOW organization, than you already know that as a professional association is the goal of this organization to provide guidance to education and training programs to adopt and teach best practices for a wide variety of Web workers including those that design, develop, market and or maintain websites for the World Wide Web.

I?’m pleased to report that we?’re making progress in this area. For example, working with the U.S. Department of Education, leading professional and trade associations, the Department of Labor, practicing professionals from business and industry along with high schools, community colleges and universities we?’ve developed education and career pathway resources that are easy to read and easy to follow that lend support to parents that need a better understanding and the direction required for careers in this space. These resources are also easy read for career counselors so they can understand and implement programs and for the students themselves so they?’ll understand what?’s expected of them as potential Web professionals in this field.
All of that said and as you might suspect, it?’s a moving target and evolves over time. Stay tuned for this months podcast where I?’ll uncover the daily activities of a wide variety of Web professionals including those that teach and train, those that employ or contract with Web professionals.

 I?’ll also interview practicing professionals from one person shops to large scale boutiques and universities to Fortune 500 Web designers, Web developers, Web Content Managers and Web workers of all shapes and sizes.
If you don?’t fall into any one of those categories please drop us a line because we would like to include you in on the discussion.

Thanks for listening and watching today?’s WOW Technology Minute.

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