Web Professional Education-Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Additional Resources

If you?’ve been following WOW organization for a while then you already know that education for Web professionals is one of our highest priorities.

WOW?’s goal is to work with industry professionals, educators at all levels and governments to establish career pathways and suggested learning outcomes so students and teachers can better understand the skills they need to learn and teach.

If you?’re an aspiring or practicing web professional for that matter the benefit of better understanding the appropriate depth and breathe of the topics and skills that employers are looking for the most is that it will save you considerable time and money.

Think of it this way, if I sent you to the library to learn web design or a web application one of the first questions you?’d ask is, where do I start? With a gazillion books on the market how are you going to know which one is the best for you and how are you going to know which chapters in the book are most benefical?

These issues relate not only students and I consider myself one as well since I learn something new about the web each day but it?’s an issue for educators as well and WOW intends to improve upon that. Most teachers around the globe lack the time and resources to stay current.

Sadly, most teachers in the U.S. for example only get compensated for eight hours worth of training a year. Clearly, not enough time to stay current with the ever changing Web environment we live in. With all of that said, what are we doing here at the WOW to address these issues?

For starters, we?’ve been studying the Web profession for 10 years. We?’ve also been working with education, government agencies and industry to publish the educational pathways and student learning outcomes. In short, that?’s typically what professional associations do best.

WOW has also established online training and education resources that can provide you with the most cutting edge resources at the most affordable price. For additional information check out WOW?’s authorized training partners within the K12, Community College and University settings and WOW Academy?’s at the links provide below.





Thanks for listening, and watching the WOW Technology Minute.

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